
Create a Post, replace);
Argument Description
data Data
replace Replace existing files

The attributes of a post can be defined in data. The table below is not exhaustive. Additional attributes may be appended to the front-matter.

Data Description
title Title
slug URL
layout Layout. Defaults to the default_layout setting.
path Path. Hexo builds the post path based on the new_post_path setting by default.
date Date. Defaults to the current date.

Publish a Draft, replace);
Argument Description
data Data
replace Replace existing files

The attributes of a post can be defined in data. The table below is not exhaustive. Additional attributes may be appended to the front-matter.

Data Description
slug File name (Required)
layout Layout. Defaults to the default_layout setting.

Render, data);
Argument Description
source Full path of a file (Optional)
data Data

The data must contain the content attribute. If not, Hexo will try to read the original file. The execution steps of this function are as follows:

  • Execute before_post_render filters
  • Render with Markdown or other renderers (depending on the extension name)
  • Render with Nunjucks
  • Execute after_post_render filters